The artists
Laurent Gayte
Give everything you’ve got, put your utmost into it but don’t leave anything behind except maybe a photograph, that could be Laurent Gay...
Isabelle de Rouville
Concerned since the beginning by the urgent preservation of what is to disappear as time goes by, keeping the memory of what is to fade away...
Marc Lelievre
When photography, Nature and flying meet up, the result is mind-blowing landscape photography. Both on the ground and up in the air, Marc L...
Robert Hale
Robert Hale is one of the West Coast’s leading photographers. His work both as a photographer and as a journalist, has taken him on assign...
Karine Chavas
After studying applied art and then working 11 years in photoengraving for textiles, Karine has put on several exhibitions (both painting an...
Sébastien Rollandin
Self-taught, Sébastien Rollandin has been working on a photographic project about Marseilles for almost ten years now as his work takes him...
Bruno Boirel
It is the eye of the architect that slides in the sight of Bruno Boiler’s camera. His photos seem drawn in the ruler and the compass. He w...
Vianney Rudent
Fasciné par une nature qui le nourrit depuis l'enfance, Vianney Rudent, a choisi la photographie pour exprimer son émerveillement. Rêveur...
Jean-Paul Cotte
Jean Paul Cotte, young professional photographer from Marseilles, noticed at the "Night of Contemporary Photography", to the Invalides, by t...
Michel Planque
Pas de limite à la créativité… Michel Planque, photographe et musicien, basé dans le Vaucluse près d’Avignon, aime toutes les fo...
Lucie Bressy
L'évasion... Voilà le maître mot de la quête d’images de Lucie Bressy, photographe autodidacte, passionnée de littérature et de g...
Eléonore Bizeul
Eléonore Bizeul a grandi dans une maison au murs couverts de toiles, celles de son père, et à l’odeur de térébenthine. Si Picasso, Da...
Stéphane Pisani
Through minimalist creations, Stéphane Pisani likes to look at urban architectural works. His studies in Photography at a school of Design ...
Jean Char
Very early on, photography became at Jean Char a real means of artistic expression, allowing him to fix the light and his ideas on paper. F...
Julie Diversy
Julie Diversy lives in Aix-en-Provence. An artist at heart, she wishes to promote the beauty of the living and to put Art back at the heart ...